Iceland Patriot: Overhaul and Maiden Voyage
At West-Marine, we thrive on tackling complex maritime challenges, and our latest mission aboard the Norwegian vessel Iceland Patriot was no exception.
One of our new apprentices was offered the opportunity to join the Iceland Patriot, and he immediately jumped at the task. Alongside an experienced colleague, Mads embarked on the journey aboard. Their task was to replace the drive shaft between the engine and the hydraulic pump on the ship, which has a total of 6 of these complex systems. These systems are capable of delivering impressive pressures of up to approximately 1500 bar.
But to access the shaft and carry out the replacement, it required the disassembly of several pumps, transmitters, and control units. They worked almost continuously for nearly 24 hours before finally being able to declare the ship ready to sail again. The apprentice was, of course, well-prepared for the task and looked forward to hitting the hay after completing the job.
Afterward, both Mads and his colleague received great praise from the crew aboard the Iceland Patriot for their dedication and skill.
At West-Marine, we take pride in our team, who are always ready to tackle any challenge, no matter how complex it may be!
See the pictures of the work on Iceland Patriot:

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If you yourself are looking for help to fix your boat or ship, you can contact our service department by writing to or calling our main number +45 75 45 70 44. Our service team is ready to move out – anytime and anywhere – because if the damage has occurred, it must be able to be fixed as soon as possible. West-Marine’s technicians work around the clock to operate and service everything from domestic ferries and large ships. They are experts in thruster overhaul and general service solutions.